Linkek a témában:
It's old news that the KTM 250 EXC is the best box-stock enduro racer out there. The quarter liter offering for Austria is probably KTM's most popular off-road mount, among a substantial dirt line of some dozen two stroke and half that number again four stroke models. It comes fully equipped, competitively priced, and has (arguably) the best constitution of its class. Been that way for near a decade, and 1997 is no exception.
Minden rendes családban egyszer felmerül a kérdés: jó lenne valami krosszmotor. Legtöbben elhessegetik a gondolatot, hogy nincs hol tartani, nincs mivel vinni, egyáltalán használható-e valamire, ráadásul marha drága dolog. Pedig érdemes megfontolni, mert a krosszozás igaz öröm és boldogság, és még akkor is megéri, ha egy KTM EXC megvásárlása miatt csúszik a villanyszámla és az ÁFA befizetés.
For years, dual-purpose bikes have been crippled by compromises. Since most manufacturer surveys indicate that such machines spend the majority of their time on public streets, the bikes developed from such surveys exhibit a marked pavement bias. That's fine for those who do indeed use their bikes as commuters or as a way to do chores around town. But for those who like a lot of dirt in their diet, those bikes don't cut it.
KTM 450 EXC Sixdays
Once a champion, always a champion. If one bike in the hard-fought E2 class has until now had what it takes to be the series winner, then that bike is the 450 EXC Sixdays. And so it should stay! Ultra-modern technology is used both in the chassis and also in the ultra-powerful SOHC engine, which further perfects one of the most successful of off-road bikes.
KTM 530 EXC Sixdays
2008 KTM EXC 530 Sixdays pictures, prices, information, and specifications. Below is the information on the 2008 KTM EXC 530 Sixdays. If you would like to get a quote on a new 2008 KTM EXC 530 Sixdays use our Build Your Own tool, or Compare this bike to other On-Off Road motorcycles.To view more specifications, visit our Detailed Specifications.
A Kraftfahrzeuge Trunkenpolz Mattighofen egy 1934-ben alapított, osztrák, fémmegmunkálással foglalkozó cég. A vállalat csak 1954-ben kezdett motorkerékpárokat gyártani KTM Sportmotorcycle AG néven. A márka elsősorban off-road motorkerékpárjairól ismert, de az utóbbi néhány évben már utcai motorokat is gyártanak.